Dialogo Global, member of the Decolonial International Network (DIN), has started the enrollment for her annual decolonial Summer Schools in Granada and Barcelona.
The Summer School on Critical Muslim Studies: Decolonial Struggles and Liberation Theologies is from June 15 – June 19, 2020 in Granada, Spain.
The Summer School on Decolonizing knowledge and power: postcolonial studies, decolonial horizons is from July 13 – July 17 in Barcelona, Spain.
Critical Muslim Studies is inspired by a need for opening up a space for intellectually rigorous and socially committed explorations between decolonial thinking and studies of Muslims, Islam and the Islamicate. Critical Muslim Studies does not take Islam as only a spiritual tradition, or a civilization, but also as a possibility of a decolonial epistemic perspective that suggests contributions and responses to the problems facing humankind today. It offers an opportunity to interpret and understand Muslim phenomena in ways that does not reproduce Eurocentrism, Islamophobia or takfiri exclusivism.
The international Summer School, “Decolonizing Knowledge and Power,” is an undertaking that aims at enlarging the scope of the conversation (analysis and investigation) of the hidden agenda of modernity (that is, coloniality) in the sphere of knowledge and higher education.
See the video on the Granada Summer School