What happens when a decolonial thinker meets decolonial dancers, when decolonial pholosophy meets decolonial arts….. it blows your mind away!
Decolonizing The Mind is a philosophy of liberation. Decolonial arts transforms entertainment in education and empowerment. Sandew Hira, secretary of the DIN Foundation combines a lecture on decolonial theory with dances performances of the Amenti Theatre Company in a lecture/dance combination.
This lecture/dance is an experiment in the combination of philosophy and art. Is it possible for dancers to teach decolonial philosophy with movement and expression from the body? It is possible for a decolonial thinker to have a conversation with dancers in their respective languages?
Amenti Theatre Company and Sandew Hira will engage in a unique artistic experiment that might open the door in the future for merging art with philosophy.
How can art contribute to decolonizing the mind? Immersing the spectator with feelings, rather than intellectual words. A way to empathize and create a connection. Amenti invites Sandew Hira this evening. Sandew Hira, penname for Dew Baboeram, is a historian and writer who published 20 books. Currently, he is writing a book about decolonizing the mind.

During this evening we will go into a conversation with Sandew, through words and dance. We invite you to attend this evening to learn but also discuss topics related to the decolonizing of the mind. During our ‘conversation’ there is room for questions and remarks. We would like to make this evening interactive, knowledgeable and magical.
Date: Friday 26 November 2021
Start: 19.00 – 22.00 hr.
Location: ‘s-Gravendijkwal 58, 3014 EE Rotterdam
Entree: € 7,50
Order your ticket here: https://www.eversports.nl/e/event/xgcpqz4Ti